The Love We Show: One Final Time
Summer is so close I can almost taste it. Spring is here; grass is going from brown to green, flowers are blooming, and spirits are lifting. In my book, summer and spring are the best part of the year. Once summer hits, life is all about vacations, relaxing, and lying by the pool (i.e. ocean, lake, etc.). But before we can get to that glorious time of year, finals season is about to set in and everyone is officially stressed. However, we hold on to the hope that the end is so close.
For my final piece for the Tiger, I would have loved to sit down and write about how summer is coming and school is almost out and how thrilled I am for a new season (my favorite season, in fact). But this “end of school year” time is different. Yes, I want summer and to be able to sleep past eight and to be tan again . But this “last day of school” is my actual last day of high school. Ever. And honestly, I’m sad to leave. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I just want to graduate and get out of here. But those thoughts are always followed by a small pang of regret–leaving means saying goodbye to friends, eventually leaving family, and closing a ginormous, beautiful chapter of my life.
In the last four years, I’ve made friends, grown, and learned more about myself. Here I get to be apart of a newspaper, two choirs, and build relationships with teachers I respect. This past fall I got to meet members of the Little Rock Nine. Just the other day, the Central Madrigals (a 16-member choir) sang at a Naturalization ceremony, where tons of immigrants became official U.S. citizens. It was one of the most breathtaking ceremonies I’ve ever seen. This school has given me friends, opportunities, laughs, occasional tears, and so much joy.
The ability to walk into a high school everyday where giant leaps for equality were made 60 years ago has meant the world to me. I have experienced genuine care from teachers, and made friends that I will never forget. This place has made me who I am today. And I’m proud to leave this place and start this next chapter of my life. Aren’t we all?