Prom Timeline Gives Clarity, Provides Insight for Planning Ahead
Prom may be the single most memorable night in a high schooler’s career. It takes a lot of preparation for some, but everything can run smoothly for you if you understand the timeline of prom and are proactive with the planning that you need to do. With this guide, you can make prom a night to remember with no unnecessary problems!
Dress Shopping →Feb. And March
It’s never too early to go dress shopping. The earlier you start, the easier you will make this on yourself. If you begin shopping early, you will have first pick at dresses that match your style and size. Let’s be honest, this is probably one of the more fun parts of getting ready. When you start early, you can also get the best accessories to match your dress such as shoes, belts, and jewelry.
Also, it is important not to wait until the last minute because if your dress needs tailoring, the alteration shop will likely need at least two weeks to work on your dress. The more time you give the shop, the better your dress will turn out!
Finalize your prom squad →Early March
Start talking to your friends early about what your plans are and figure out some details. Your squad needs to figure out how many people will be in the group, how you want to be transported (private car, limo, party bus), and discuss dinner. This will make a difference in the next thing you need to do.
Make transportation reservations →Mid-March
When you make plans with your friends to meet up before prom, you can know how many people will be with your group. Many Little Rock companies such as Little Rock Limousine offer transportation vehicles such as Hummer Limousines, Passenger Limos, and Party buses in a variety of passenger sizes from eight, 18, 22, 24 passengers. Many people will be booking limo services for the night of prom, so it’s important to book as early as possible and figure out how many people are with your group.
Dinner reservations → Late-March
This may seem trivial, but planning ahead for your dinner plans can save you a lot of headache the night of prom. Take a poll with you friends on whether you want to eat Hibachi, go for burgers, or even fast food. If you’re clumsy, remember to bring a poncho with you to dinner wherever you go.
Hair/makeup reservations → Late March
Something that may be overlooked is remembering to book hair, makeup, or nail appointments before prom. My best suggestion would be to make a list of the things you are planning to get done, from spray tans to acrylic nails, the more detailed the list is, the less stress you will have to deal with later on.
Purchase tickets → Mon. March 25
Tickets will be available for purchase on March 25 in the bookstore and will be sold through April 10. The cost of a ticket is $35.
Go to prom → April 13
The preparation is finally over! The night begins at 8:30 at the Gujarati Samaj of Arkansas (GSA) Community Center located at 1 Scimitar Circle in Little Rock. Senior class sponsor Beth Davis describes the theme as a “crossover between Frozen and fairytale” with blue and silver decor. Don’t forget your tickets and make sure to have your cameras ready. Prom will end at 11:30, but the fun won’t stop then for many. Remember to be safe and everyone will be sure to have a blast.