Central Thinking: Music from Central Students
Tune in and listen to Oliver Lorgen talk to Colm Simmons about is journey with music and how he helps local young artists.
About the Contributors

Colm Simmons, Opinion Editor
Yo! Welcome to my domain, the opinions section to the specific. This is my fourth year on staff and second year as a section editor. I have the most fun when I'm writing about what's on my mind.

Maggie Collins, Podcast Producer
I'm the producer of our podcast Central Thinking which is associated with Tiger News. If I'm not editing the next episode you can find me at a school game taking pictures. I love hearing and telling stories. Maybe someday I'll share yours!

Brooke Elliott, Online Editor
My name is Brooke Elliott, and I am proud to serve as the Executive Online Editor of The Tiger! I am a passionate author and programmer who is working to improve our paper every day. I also work with the Central High Memory Project to preserve the history of minority groups in Arkansas. Like one of my stories? Let me know! Email me at [email protected].