Central Students Celebrate Snow Days
The neighborhood on Lafayette Avenue is unusually quiet under the weight of several inches of powder snow. “Staying in with hot chocolate is my favorite part of snow days,” junior Penn Hicks said.
About the Contributors
Hailey Molden, News Editor
Been vibing since birth; a writer for three years; and a child of God forever :) .

Mary Ruth Taylor, Opinion Editor
Hi friends, I'm Mary Ruth! I'm a senior and this year I am an opinion editor for The Tiger. I'm really excited to be writing about the voices at Central, so if you have a perspective that needs to be shared, please contact me. Outside of newspaper and school, you can probably find me rereading one of my favorite books, watching Criminal Minds, or getting mozzarella sticks from Sonic.

Jane Ellen Dial, Print Editor
Hello! My name is Jane Ellen (yes I have a double name and yes it is difficult sometimes). I am a senior and Co-Print Editor with Annie Fortune. I love to spend time with my family, friends, and dogs. Some of my past times include baking, reading, anything fashion related, laughing, and really just living life to the fullest. My coffee cup is always half full. As the Gilmore Girls like to say,“I can’t stop drinking the coffee, I stop drinking coffee, I stop doing the standing, and the walking, and the words-putting-into-sentences doing.” I am an enneagram 1w2 and I truly am thriving when I am writing in my planner, organizing, or just simply planning my whole life.

Brooke Elliott, Online Editor
My name is Brooke Elliott, and I am proud to serve as the Executive Online Editor of The Tiger! I am a passionate author and programmer who is working to improve our paper every day. I also work with the Central High Memory Project to preserve the history of minority groups in Arkansas. Like one of my stories? Let me know! Email me at [email protected].