Swimmers Ready to Dive into the Season
Junior Lily Keyes gets ready to dive into the pool during practice in preparation for the upcoming season.
Swimmers are finally ready to start their season after nearly a year of not being able to train. Last season, UALR’s pool- the swim team’s training facility- was closed because of COVID-19 which inhibited their ability to practice as a team.
“We started practicing earlier than ever this year, and the kids are working really hard. I also hosted a team-building party to kickstart the season to really help pull everyone together and get excited about the upcoming season,” Coach Mary Jo Heye said.
Along with earlier practice, the team has been working on improving a variety of skill sets.
“We’ve been doing a lot of endurance and working on technique and muscle building, and I really think this has prepared us for this season,” senior Caroline Carper said.
In order to learn how the incoming swimmers can best benefit the team, the previous team members research these swimmers to learn their best events. The only freshman swimmer, Yassin Bahgat, is ready for his first year on the high school team.
“The older people don’t really intimidate me. I’m just ready to get to experience the thrill and excitement of being on a school team,” Bahgat said.
As the first meet of the season approaches fast, a reoccurring goal for the team is winning State.
“Each year it usually comes down to Central and Bentonville. We were at a big disadvantage last year since we got shut down from COVID-19 and a big snowstorm, but Bentonville was able to stay open. I really think we have a good chance this year if everyone keeps working hard,” Coach Heye said.