Marine Life Degradation Reflected in AP 2D Studio Art Portfolio
The way that most people disregard the earth that sustains us brings me immense sadness. I am someone who cares deeply about the state of the environment and does everything in my power to treat it with respect. Over the past few years, I have learned so much about the cycles of nature and how humans so recklessly disrupt it with our convenience-based lifestyles. The fact that the majority of people don’t take the threat of climate change seriously frightens me, because I know it will adversely affect us all eventually—and it’s only getting worse.
This year, I’ve dedicated my artwork to the concept of human-induced marine degradation. The ocean, which encompasses so much of the world we live in, has been so trashed and polluted that it is predicted that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2050—this fact sickens me. I’ve come across so many disheartening photos of marine life: plastic bags floating like jellyfish, sea lions entangled in fishing nets, birds cut open to reveal stomachs full of plastic, and many more.
- Reduce Waste, Reduce Herpes
Toxic chemicals from ocean trash are causing sea turtles to develop herpes. Although they are benign, they block the turtles’ vision, preventing them from finding food.
- Thank You for the Plastic!
An incredible amount of trash ends is floating around in the ocean, confusing marine organisms. Plastic grocery bags, in particular, look no different than jellyfish to sea turtles, who inevitably ingest the foreign objects.
- All Caught Up
Deep sea fishing harms other aquatic life aside from fish. The nets get entangled around sea lions, creating gashes in the flesh of their necks.
- dOILphin
After oil spills, marine life become immersed in toxic, murky waters. The oil is near impossible to completely eradicate; the substance must be chemically broken down.
- An Inconvenient Truth
Yes, climate change exists. Yes, ice caps are melting. Yes, polar bears’ habitats are being destroyed. Yes, it’s time to switch to sustainable energy.

Catherine • Sep 21, 2018 at 2:32 pm
this realy inspires me to try to prevent these things from happening and keep our earth healthy