BETA Club Promotes School, Community Involvement
BETA Cub is just getting back on track after summer break and both the students and the sponsors are ready to hit the ground running. The club had its first meeting on Wednesday Sep. 12 and had its second meeting Friday Sep. 20 to elect officers.
The club sponsors for this year are Michelle Chui, Erica Moore, Bettina Becker, Brenda Wilson, and Judith Warren, are all very dedicated to the club and are ready to have a great year.
Club members elected the President Michelle Xu, Vice President Grace Xiang, Treasurer Sarah Shirley, Secretary Historians Hetvi Shah and Jenny Zhang, and Media/PR Heidi Tandiono.
The newly elected officers met on Monday morning, September 24 to plan upcoming events for the new year.
About the Contributor

Jane Ellen Dial, Print Editor
Hello! My name is Jane Ellen (yes I have a double name and yes it is difficult sometimes). I am a senior and Co-Print Editor with Annie Fortune. I love to spend time with my family, friends, and dogs. Some of my past times include baking, reading, anything fashion related, laughing, and really just living life to the fullest. My coffee cup is always half full. As the Gilmore Girls like to say,“I can’t stop drinking the coffee, I stop drinking coffee, I stop doing the standing, and the walking, and the words-putting-into-sentences doing.” I am an enneagram 1w2 and I truly am thriving when I am writing in my planner, organizing, or just simply planning my whole life.