Zone 3: Tommy Branch

Tommy Branch is running for school board in Zone 3. Branch attended Philander Smith College and was a former member of the Little Rock School Board and former Chairman of the Little Rock Area Public Education Education Stakeholder Group. Branch wants every child to have the opportunity of an education that is equitable and helps the student achieve their potential.
“The students – what is in the best interests of the students. We have to deliver on equity,” Branch said.
Branch plans to have a system in which once a month people can ask questions in order to better understand and get involved with the education system.
“I think to build trust again, first we must start with being transparent with what goes on and really allow the people that want to be engaged to have input and a consistent voice to be heard to bring about real change,” Branch said.
Branch also wants students to receive better instruction on how to be engaged citizens and better understand social issues. Branch wants to make sure communication is always open and the LRSD is being transparent.
“When elected I will work with community leaders and parents to make certain that lines of communication are open and help to empower students through finding local and national mentorships which will allow our students to have access to real life people doing what they may want to do whenever they graduate,” Branch said.