Young Leftists Mobilize for Community Improvement

Senior Reha Nunna is the co-founder and president of the Young Leftists Club. She and Zane Alsebai began the club as sophomores, and she has since become president. 

“What we try to do is establish a sense of empathy and leadership in highschoolers,” Nunna said. 

Meetings are every other week on Tuesday and Thursday, and last about an hour. The club has three branches: discussion, reading group, and outreach, and these branches dictate the meeting agenda for the week. Discussion includes having conversations about current events or other topics suggested by club members; reading group consists of reading various texts related to leftism and then discussing them, and outreach conducts projects that impact the community. 

“[Our goal is] getting [club members] used to actually talking to officials, and doing the actual work behind the fun parts of a campaign,” Nunna said.  

Some of the club’s recent projects include attending the reproductive rights rally at the Arkansas Capitol, packing opioid overdose rescue kits for the Central Arkansas Harm Reduction Project, and organzing a group meeting with other clubs on campus like the Gender and Sexuality Alliance, the Black Student Union, and the Muslim Students Association. Their main project currently is to implement solar panels in the LRSD by working with Superintendent Mike Poore, board member Ali Noland, and other officials.

“I think it’s one of the biggest things a group from Central has done in a while,” Nunna said. 

The club has gained much popularity since its start two years ago, with 120 official members and about 50 members consistently attending meetings, which have recently switched to virtual from 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.