Rachel Rigsby Impresses with Teaching Style, Juris Doctorate


Rigsby gives her signature critical eye to a student’s thesis as he prepares for a timed writing.

Students with AP World History teacher Rachel Rigsby may not like the rigor of her class, but most students will enjoy her teaching style, particularly when it leads to a four or five on the AP exam.

Her class entails numerous long readings, timed writings, and stressful tests. Despite the heavy load of classwork, Rigsby teaches the class through a combination of videos, lectures, and document based learning. She weaves her political view into some of the lessons and always makes the students laugh.

“It’s still one of the hardest classes I’ve taken in high school, but she’s very good at what she does. She won’t let you slack off, but you look forward to her class. Her dry sense of humor makes the class really entertaining,” senior Julia Greer said.

Though she seems perfect for her job, Rigsby didn’t always picture herself becoming a teacher. She had always wanted to be a lawyer.

“I even went to law school.  My first job out of law school was not teaching, but every job since then has been in the classroom.”

Because Rigsby finished law school, she has her Juris Doctorate, though she doesn’t prefer to be called “Dr. Rigsby.” If you ever want to make her laugh, or perhaps just get a death stare, use her prestigious title.

Outside of school Rigsby enjoys listening to Beyonce, running, and watching Game of Thrones. Just last year Rigsby completed the Little Rock Half Marathon.

“I run to keep in shape, but also because I enjoy it. It is a good way to de-stress,” she said.

Rigsby also has three kids, ages 20, 13, and 9. Her oldest son is in college at Hendrix, where Rigsby also attended, and her other two children are in elementary school at Forest Park. Lately, Rigsby has had the privilege of driving her almost teenager around to go shopping with many of her friends. She is once again facing the struggles of parenting a teenager.

“Though it can be tough, parenting is the best job I’ve ever had,” she said.

Rigsby may be known around the school for her rigorous AP World History class, but she is not known to be a boring teaching; her humor and teaching style always keep students entertained. Though she is entertaining inside the classroom, her background is also intriguing. Most would not assume Rigsby has her Juris Doctorate, nor that she is a huge Beyonce fan. Nonetheless, Rigsby’s unique characteristics and interests make her the perfect AP World History teacher.