French Club Prepares for Future Events
French club had its first meeting on Friday, Sept. 21. The club is open to those currently taking French classes, and also those who have an interest in French culture. At their first meeting, the French club sponsor, Madame Dokoutchaef, introduced the new president, Julia Greenfield. Julia is a senior who has been active in French club since freshman year. Last year she served as the club’s vice-president. During the meeting, the French club talked about their upcoming field trips, and 80 bites, an event that all language classes at Central participate in and give presentations for. The French club will work all year on their presentation for 80 bites, and it is a main project for the club.
About the Contributor

Lily Ryall, Voices Editor
Hey, I’m Lily! I’m a senior and Voices editor for the Tiger. I’m a self-proclaimed coffee addict and cat person. One fun fact about me is that I can’t write a bio without sounding corny and that I buy most of my clothes by the pound at the Goodwill warehouse. My staff writers know me as the professor of metaphysico-theologico-cosmolo-nigol-ogy. Like one of my stories? Let me know! Email me at [email protected].