Zone 6: Vicki Hatter

Vicki Hatter is running for LRSD school board representing Zone 6 because she wants to be an external factor that makes sure that the school district is operating the way that it should be and that needs are being met. Hatter has been advocating for the school district for the last twenty years: before the state takeover, but even more so after the state takeover, by volunteering and showing her support. Hatter thinks it’s very important to have people that have been in the fight for the return of local control and get the district back on track. Hatter’s children attend and graduated from schools in the district. Hatter has been a part of VIPs, which is Volunteers in Public Schools. She has also served on the local unit PTA as well as the state-level PTA, she has served on national PTA committees, and helped give testimony to educational bills at the legislative level. Hatter said she wants to build the public’s trust. She believes the parents and the community members as well as the teachers and students have been without a voice. Hatter wants to make sure that every student has the resources to be successful, as well as teachers, having the tools they need, and the training they need to be successful as well.
favorite month is October and all my shoes are dirty. My favorite number is 49 and in my free time I'm
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