Best Of: Shows
- “Better Call Saul”- What a finale. Simply perfect in every sense of the word. Everything is absolutely on point. Both Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn are running circles around every other television performance this year. I had my doubts that the crew wasn’t going to stick the landing and botch the ending, but my worries were qualmed. Not only did they nail the ending, they also managed to expertly tie it into the ending of “Breaking Bad” This is probably my favorite final season of any T.V. show period.
- “Severance”- “Severance” comes in at a very close second place. I loved every minute of this magnificent program. I was on the edge of my set every second that I watched this. I inhaled this show like a bag of Doritos. I’m not going to say anything about the actual plot as giving away any spoilers would ruin it for first time viewers. Adam Scott is up there with my favorite performances of the year. In the vaguest terms possible, he is basically playing two characters which he pulls off excellently. This is one of the most unique shows I’ve watched in a while and I can’t recommend it enough. Needless to say I am beyond excited for the second season.
- “The Boys”– Season three of “The Boys” improves on everything that I disliked about the second season. Season two was weak and each episode, while boasting strong writing and stronger performances, felt like it was more of the same over and over again. I still enjoyed that season but it felt weaker than the first. Season three is a return to form and is so far my favorite season. Each episode felt unique and built up to a perfect season finale. “The Boys” is not exactly lowkey with its messaging and satire. It is as blunt as a sharpened sword, and I love it for that. This season continues that to a perfect degree. Anthony Starr continues to deliver a strong performance as Homelander as well as the other cast members. I know The Deep is an awful person but all of the subplots that revolved around him were probably my favorite. This show isn’t for the faint of heart and if you are sensitive to violence, gore, or any other degenerate subject, I would not recommend this to you. However, if you can look past that, you are given one of the best superhero and general satire of the past ten years.
- “Atlanta”– Two seasons for this incredible show were released this year and I can’t thank Donald Glover and his crew enough for that. Season three is weaker compared to season four and the seasons that it followed, but it is still strong. Almost half of the season is dedicated to episodes that don’t feature any of the regular Atlanta cast of characters and are dedicated to exploring certain societal issues. While I enjoyed most of these issues on their own, I wish they made a separate show where they could explore these topics without taking away from the “Atlanta” characters that I’ve grown to love. The episodes that feature the regular “Atlanta” cast are all magnificent. Season four doesn’t feature as many anthology-like episodes and goes back to focusing on the main set of characters. I appreciated that, and it was a fitting conclusion to one of the best shows of the past decade.
5. “Barry”– Another strong season for a strong show. I loved every second of this season. Bill Hader continues to impress as the titular character. Henry Winkler also continues to shine. However, Anthony Carrigan is still my favorite performer and the show as NoHo Hank. Another strong suit of “Barry” is that each episode is short and sweet. Each episode is around 30 minutes long, which suits it as a longer runtime per episode would’ve significantly made it weaker. I was thoroughly invested for the entire season and I can not wait to see what’s in store for season four.
About the Contributor

Clem Fortune, Entertainment Editor
Clem Fortune is returning to Tiger News for his second year on staff. He looks forward to hearing from the variety of voices in the newsroom. Outside of Central, Clem enjoys biking, hanging out with friends, and occasionally cooking, particularly meatloaf.